Monday, November 1, 2021

Original Void

Original void:

not from the original void - but that emptiness became the very substance of the universe and continues even now, a genesis in current view. This too is our own becoming, that the original void is always present and lends itself to form, one thing in continuous creation of itself through every moment. We are the Big Bang in process, not an end result but an event, a verb of constant self creation. 

happening now, now, and always now.

physics tells our story, evolution too, and religion provides a more poetic version of how we came to be. They're all metaphors, even the facts of science only tell us of descriptions, not ultimate truths at all, only what we presently hold as so. Science and religion both seem to miss our current truth, our real story, and that's this very moment, right now, and how we're not distant, separate events of theories and verses of creation, but an actual expression of self creation, life, science and myth happening in this instant.  We are without metaphor, occurring not as story, but as life.

original void is present, emptiness is seen right now as form, seamless. We are an elegant expression of this, an aspect of the continuous whole, and it's always self evident through our every sense - that listening is not separate from sounds heard, our view's not set apart from seer, and that air's felt undetectable in its touch against us, so absolute is its caress. 

we are swimming in reality,

and more so, it's just reality, no real swimmer present, only emptiness in the fullness of its expression, original cause of form, and still seamless in creation. It's this, always this, and everything's included, one reality through every version. The complete story of the universe is told right now, we are both storyteller and demonstration of this tale. 

original void...expressing...


Peace, Eric 

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