Thursday, October 28, 2021

What's Experienced

What's experienced:

it's change, not that my experience of the world is always changing, but that I'm not set apart from the constant motion of life, there's only the happening of a moment, reality shifting with my notice. What's experienced is life, my belonging to it through every facet, and at no point is there a separate witness to events, an eternal watcher removed from these affairs. 

only life, and my full participation. 

what I find is that awareness is a built in presence to this motion, not an unchanging self that plays witness to life, no, it's all too seamless and dynamic for this to be so. There's only change, and each moment reveals my intimacy with this, being most truly this process too, an unfolding of this continuous event, life. What I don't find is a self that is aware, nothing that may be claimed as even slightly removed from what unfolds. 

there's just aware.

right now there's the experience of life at pre-dawn, only this, and it includes a self that believes these early morning events are occurring exclusively to him. It's all simply what's happening, listening to the beginning stir of another day, but no true listener, watching light in slow reach of a dawn, and there's no watcher present, nothing apart from this moment. I'm part of it all, and yet there's no real sense of a singular me separate from the happening. 

what's experienced is mystery, and then a story told later, and even this occurs as mystery too, unfolding as the present moment. 



Peace, Eric 

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