Saturday, October 23, 2021

Least Effort

through least effort, and this is the wisdom of the way, Tao, nature - I acknowledge this in body, the efficiency of my heart that beats without need of willful thought, that my lungs function with an ease of breath, air found at the ready. There is great cohesion here, a natural cooperation of seeming parts for the benefit of the whole. Yet there's a larger body at play too, infinite, and I am a seamless aspect of it's order, vital in my presence.

and all with least effort of my own.

it was great relief to me, this insight, awakening to my own easy belonging to life, without need to prove a single worth, nor to justify the right of my existence. Absolutely nothing had to be done to earn this, no belief of higher wisdom granting me this right. My life was simply gifted. 

really, it's a miracle, coming to life with conditions set so beautifully for me to thrive, air immediately available for very first breath, sunlight present by just the right distance, oceans, gravity, everything precise. And I belong to this, an aspect of it's order, life. 

at some point, and for many years, I forgot all of this, forgot that I belonged to the larger body of world and stars, that I am an aspect of the whole. For many years I struggled, my life demanding so much effort to be merely satisfied. This isn't about work, the necessity of a job, nor even of the certain roles played to navigate modern life. No, what I forgot, and what later dawned on me anew, is the simplicity and undeniable reality of my belonging. Whatever role I played, job held, status achieved, or if all stripped and taken from me - I belong. 

everything does.

why I forgot, and even my remembering is just a story. For truthfully it was all imagined, even through pain and often struggle there was no point that I was ever set apart, separated from the whole. None of us all, we're all this cohesive unit, universal in our belonging. This is our service to each other, to the world, and it's no more than simply being. 

just this.

no real effort of our own.


Peace, Eric 

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