Saturday, October 30, 2021



Meeting each moment directly - and with this I find no true measure of an instant separated from another, only a seamless occurrence of experience, flowing, and that I'm aware, present to this happening. Without commentary, an inner dialog of description, there's a clarity here, the simplicity of action immediately accepted, calm, even in the midst of infinite things occurring now. 

This is the secret of early morning, everything's revealed in first hint of light, before the sun is even seen, but only sensed in its arrival. The world stirs in hushed tones, nothing rushed yet, just the pace set by the true nature of things, yielding, more spacious. For me, it seems easier to meet things directly in the softer mood surrounding dawn. Early light comes slow, without confrontation, and I see a bit more with every measure of light given. 

awakening with the world.

these hours are my time of a more quiet grief, with things that seem absent in harsher light, shown now as still present in a different way. Perhaps it's due to the between time of dawn, holding worlds together as a moment of its own, an inclusion of night as it's led to its own parting, another day even now appearing. Nothing is really lost here, only a shifting in that seamless occurrence of experience, and if met directly I find no absence of a loved one, no past beyond a memory, the future not yet dreamed - only presence, now, an at once of every moment. It allows a softer grief, mourning of a change of form, and not an actual loss of presence. These hours, so early, reveal these things in gradual light, the dawn of my own understanding. 

and now, directly, seamless in occurrence,

 I meet two worlds for just a moment.


Peace, Eric 

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