Friday, October 8, 2021

To Tenderness

To tenderness: 

for me, it's an awakening to tenderness, that each moment is so fragile in it's in stay, already shifting from very first appearance, and with nothing promised to remain. Just this, what's here, and even now changing. 

it's such cause for both joy and sorrow, life in each unique experience, so brief, and the intimacy of our own belonging here, that we are just as quick in passing, never meant beyond this moment. This is the tender ache of a caress, feeling only motion,  with nothing ever lasting through its sweep, no matter how slow it seems to linger. 

yet in truth, it's all simply this caress, nothing existing but its touch - expressed in duality of world and our aware participation. We are this moment, alone to ourselves, shifting, ending, becoming. We' are the tenderness of this caress, and we are everything that knows the briefness of our passing, one thing in heartbreak and joy, giving and receiving, motion and all that slows for the pleasure of our sweep. This is our awakening, not in denial of loss, nor to dismiss our sorrow - but as motion, awake to every temporary display and seeming moment that we linger. It's an awakening to tenderness, knowing how fragile this very instant is, and yet we love our way through it, uncertain of what, if anything, comes after. We awake to a constant letting go...

and the tenderness that holds this passing. 


Peace, Eric 

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