Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Race Review - Resolution 5k

First day of the year - first race review of the year. Today was the Resolution 5k and 1 Mile Walk held in Patterson Park (Baltimore City) It was sponsored by and benefited Earl's Place (New Beginnings Through Housing) It's always nice to run for a great cause and on a cold, windy, winter day it brought home the plight of those in desperate need of housing in a meaningful way.
Any run in this section of Baltimore is bound to be tough - lots of rolling hills with one being tough enough to definitely slow things down a bit. I could have benefited with a bit more of a warmup as I had a tough time for the first mile getting my stride and breathing right. It was actually not until the last mile when things seemed to begin to flow together nicely. There was no chip time and it was a crowded course so I'm pretty confident that my 23:10.3 was well under 22 and that makes me happy for a day after deadlifiting, running on tired legs race. And it was good enough for 9th place in my age group. The focus is on long races through the year but I'm confident that I can run a sub 22:00 this year without really gearing up for it.
So a nice, local race on the first day of the year with a great turnout - over 800 people I believe. A great way to start the year!

I hope everyone found there own perfect way to start the year off and that it continues to inspire throughout the year.


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