Thursday, January 17, 2013

State of the Vegan Diet

It's time for a state of the vegan diet announcement. I'm pleased to say my diet has been fairly clean the past few weeks. After allowing a bit more vegan dessert and processed food into my diet for convenience sake I am back to a very simplified diet for fruit, vegetables and limited grains. I'm not above a prepackaged meal or desert now and then and enjoy dinning out when the opportunity presents itself and don't really hold back on what I get - appetizer, main meal and desert. It's a once in a week or two week occasion and a chance to enjoy myself in a different setting. The next day I will be back on track. And even the worst I have is still pretty good. As many readers know I don't care for the term "everything in moderation". No EVERYTHING in moderation is not alright. One piece of meat is still a dead animal that died for my pleasure. One cigarette is still one too many. One drink and getting behind the wheel is still deadly. Everything in moderation is an excuse not to indulge but to live a life of indulgence. Perhaps thinking in terms of relaxation is a better approach? I don't normally eat desert - but tonight I will relax my a little discipline and enjoy a piece of cake. This still leaves room for the enjoyment of something outside the norm but still keeps things in perspective.
Just a thought.


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