Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year - What's Ahead

Resolutions. I began 2012 blog writing on this theme and why we seldom seemed to follow through with them. I'll save that post for last year. This is the year I urge everyone to go big - a big race, competition or event. Run a half marathon this year, a full marathon or (better yet) your first ultra. Maybe this is the year to finally put it together for a triathlon. Hike the entire Appalachian Trail, or half of it, or even one state (Tennessee and Maine are my favorites). The point is that we need a grand vision to not just motivate us but to pull us into a grander vision of ourselves. I love the though of what we dream of dreams of us as well or as Paulo Coelho might say that when we have this grand agenda the whole universe conspires to our aide. Dream big. Dream very big. Larger then our comfort zone allows. And then a step, a single step advancing in that direction. That's all it takes.

Happy New Year,

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