Sunday, January 20, 2013


Today the President was sworn in for another four years - tomorrow will be the public inauguration. In many ways this inauguration is even more historic - it shows the direction our country is heading towards. For those who disagree with his politics and may not find that statement hopeful please look past the political views of right or left. I disagreed with much of George Bush's policies and thought that not just our nation but the world was veering towards a dangerous state. Yet we survived. Our nation is strong and has a deep spirit and it shows in the growing inclusiveness of politics despite appearances on many levels. We have an African American President. Gay marriage is now legal in many states. Health care is expanding and women's rights are protected. We don't have top like any of this - yet it is how things are now and it's growing. It's also the overall vision of our founding fathers - our right to be equal, to pursue our own happiness. The fact that many may not like this is in perfect accordance to the will of the nation. To disagree...yet include. We are Americans.


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