Saturday, January 12, 2013

Dark Night

Life threatens to crash down on me right now. There are a few things that pull me through and even some of these I am close to losing. St. John of The Cross would call this my Dark Night of The Soul and it certainly feels that way. The thing with sadness and depression is that the only way through it is through it - straight through it. Meditation, writing, running, exercise, therapy are all tools to help us navigate the path of loss and sadness but they can never remove us from the path. It's ours to walk alone and no amount of preparation work can ever really prepare us for it. The most we can hope for is grace to guide our steps. And that's what I pray for.



Ysabel Mo. said...

Give it a try to art, don't you?? Art is a magnificent therapy. Blessings for your Mother and your lovely words, she must be a smiling star tonight listening to your words.
Oh, how much we (mothers) love our children, we all are children forever. Blessings Eric.

A Headless Place said...

Thank you for your wise and loving words.