Monday, January 7, 2013

Race Review - Nelson's Fat Ass 2013

First 50k of the year is now in the books - Nelson's 50k - an annual Fat Ass run held here in Columbia MD. There are many, many things I love about this race -and being local is at the top of the list. Not just local - but in my back yard local. I run parts of this course on a weekly basis. One might think that this would give me an edge - but no - I still get lost. It's just the way I am. It's also a great mix of bike path and trail that allows for some speed (as speedy as I get in a 50k) and some technical trail running. Nelson has held this race for 19 years now. He and his wife open their home (allowing smelly, dirty ultrarunners into your home is no small thing) and lay out a warm welcome with lots of food at the end of the race. OK, that, and the gathering of local runners who come to start the year off right - are at the top of my list. A big thanks to Nelson and his wife for all they providing to make such a fine day. Add to the list the volunteers who provided aid and direction - aiding at a Fat Ass makes you an unsung hero in my book. Thanks guys!
As mention the course is a nice blend of bike path and trails. Starting at Lake Elkhorn it follows the bike path on what's known as the Patuxuent Heritage Trail and winds it's way through some wetlands towards Savage Park. It's a beautiful section of Columbia and except for some traffic noise it's really hard to imagine you are running through a major suburban area. Once in Savage Park the course picks up the trails and offers great views of the Middle Patuxuent River and a few nice little climbs - nothing major but it does give you something to work for a little bit. Around 8 miles into the course comes an aid station and the turn around - 8 miles back and then a repeat for the 50k runners. Many opted for the 25k and I heard talk of Disney so it was a tune up run for some. Good luck to all you guys!
I ran the course in about 6:12 at a pretty comfortable pace - no need to push right now. Soon though. For local runners who are looking to test the ultra waters this would be a great way to start. It's also the perfect way to start off the new year. My fourth year running and I'll be back as long as Nelson keeps offering his hospitality.

Thanks for reading,

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