Saturday, January 26, 2013

An Arrow

I have been feeling very much consumed by anger and resentment lately and today during my run it was very much present and very much overwhelming. Fortunately I had 27 miles to burn it off and come to terms with it - and I'm getting there. I may need another few long runs like that to completely get there though. I was reminded that there are no justified resentments - and that's a tough concept to wrap the mind around - because we so want to be justified in our resentment towards others. I know I do and I feel like I have been so wronged, so why aren't my resentments justified? Because they disturb my peace of mind. It's as simple as that. They aren't justified because I always have a choice in how I respond and if my response is anything other than love and forgiveness then I am carrying a poison arrow within - an arrow that is only removed by letting go of the resentment. It's hard. It takes time and it takes practice. Yet it beats the slow poison of the arrow of resentment. There's always a choice.


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