Friday, January 18, 2013

Sick, Fat and Nearly Dead

I'm watching the documentary Sick, Fat and Nearly Dead right now. A friend asked me to watch it for my opinion and to possibly recommend it to her brother who is a childhood friend. I'm not finished so this is not a review - but it has got me thinking of healing and how little responsibility we take in our own health and healing. Joe Cross, the man featured in the documentary was overweight, over medicated and very ill. The traditional route of Western medicine seemed to hold little promise for him but keeping him alive for as long as possible in his current state. Western medicine is a modern marvel for what it offers - but it doesn't always offer health. We need to explore that path on our own. And that's what Joe Cross did.He choose to do a juice fast for 60 days to bring his body back in balance and regain his health. It worked. I'll save more for a further review but here is what I would like to leave everyone with today - is there an issue in your life that needs healing? Weight loss, blood pressure, stress, low energy? You can fix it. And you can begin right now. This very moment. I hope that's the path you choose.


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