Saturday, December 22, 2012

Training Year in Review

So this year has seen a big increase in my mileage volume - 60+ miles is pretty routine and I will often hit 80+ for race preparation. Barefoot style shoes were still my standby shoe along with some zero drop racers like New Balance Minimus and their 110 trail shoes (which got me through several ultras this year and are still going strong) 2011 saw the addition of more focused speed work- mostly done on the track - and this helped me set PR's from 5k to 50 miles this year. Tempo work was steady as well. Late in the year I also made a return to some low heart rate training - mainly to prep for a spring 100. Of all the things added for 2011 it's the heart rate training that may not be the keeper. After a few more weeks I will weigh the cost/benefit of it and report back.
Lifting wise I dropped a large portion of my kettlebell (sport) focused training to return to some heavier work with deadlift and presses in a low volume workout style several days a week. This has helped me gain some strength back and improved my running as well. My once weekly kettlebell focused workout (Long Cycle) seems to be improving too from the strength focus. This routine will be a keeper coming into the new year.
Diet - I'm a vegan. This year and next. I don't see this changing. However I did relax on the raw and fruitarian mindset this year - although this too will return in the new year. I eat out more and allowed myself a bit of "fast food" vegan style and even some more desert type stuff. Pretty sure that won't be sticking around for 2013 - at least not quite to the extent that I have presently allowed it.
So that's the years training in review (if anyone is interested)

Thanks for visiting,

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