Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Training The Mind

I love the feedback a heart rate monitor provides and the instant ego check I get when my brain is urging for speed over common sense. We can think of meditation as providing a bit of this same feedback. Unfortunately this feedback may be a bit easier to ignore than the flashing numbers on our wrist or the shrill beeping of we use an alarm. It's the same feedback though - a recognition that the ego has now taken charge of the drivers seat and we must wrest it back to regain control. In running we slow down and that's often the case with our thoughts as well - a simple awareness that we are thinking yet behind the thought is infinite peace - the Buddhist "Clear Sky/Clear Mind" concept. Watching the breath is the "slowing of the legs" in the mental process - not controlling - but simply watching. Be aware of the in-breath, the pause, and then the out-breath. And again. Soon our mind slows, we find that "clear sky". Even if it's only a glimpse.
Often that's just enough.


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