Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Holding Only You


You are no farther than
a thought away-
And yet I fill this distance
with a thousand words.

So I let go.

Allowing words to drop unspoken.

The distance narrows.

I fall to a silence
holding only
Pray in silence...and faith
becomes our spoken


Herman Melville wrote that silence is the only voice of God and our interior silence - that sacred pause between thought and word - we find our true temple. There is no need to search for this temple - simply wait for gathered thoughts to pass as clouds. And then behold the brilliant radiance of our mind.



Ysabel Mo. said...

This poem brings tears, it moves me so. Blessings Eric for speaking from the heart of many, like mine. Merry Christmas!
In our inner temple everything is as it has to be... for we are as our thoughts are
If they bring beauty
we are that.

A Headless Place said...

Thank you Ana and Merry Christmas to you!