Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Fueling For Vegan Ultra Runners

One of the big challenges for me on running the C&O 100 will be fueling correctly - meaning getting in enough calories to carry me through the miles without crashing. This of course is a challenge for everyone but it seems to offer a specific problem for vegans - what to eat? Aid Stations don't often stock the most vegan friendly food - nor for the most part even healthy choices. Most runners just want calories and that's understandable. I want calories that will fuel me, nourish me, aid in my recuperation even while I'm running, while the whole time staying true to my ethical standards. Fruit is the (almost) perfect standby but with the exception of a few are fairly low in calories and it just may not be feasible to consume so much while on the trail - not to mention that later in a race fructose becomes harder to tolerate for some on a stomach turning sour. On 50ks and 50 miles I have had great success with dates, bananas and the occasional Vega gel (date based, vegan) but even at this shorter distance I have experienced a stomach beginning to rebel from too much fruit. A longer race may be out of the question. We'll see as I plan to keep experimenting with the right combination - adding some fat and protein (almonds) to help absorb the sugar. I may try (well, retry) Hammer Perpetuem - which supposedly (not doubting just lack personal experience) would allow me to get by with less fuel. So Perpetuem, dates, and whatever fruit (and maybe the occasional pretzel - my weakness) is available at aid stations. I'm open for suggestions from all runners - not just the vegan kind.



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