Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thin Spots

“In the Still of Life”

From the round of my shoulder
worked the artist,
as trickles of sweat mingled with chalk,
pasting dark irises on white.
There emerged burnt siennas that burnished the ambers…
arching the canvased planes.
The arm that posted me
swayed with the fatigue of a sensual spine.
I am an emotional and dancing ache,
that begs, in the promenade of rose’d blush,
for deliverance.

Paula Barr Carrigan
Beautiful words. This poem was written by someone who inspires me a great deal and embodies the very soul of this blog - Paula runs with spirit, she creates with spirit and she lives with spirit. A talented poet, artist, craftsman, musician, mountaineer and runner - and most importantly someone who extends her self beyond limits and encourages others to take this step as well. I'm proud to call her a friend.
We have discussed the theme of creation together and how it ties into and within the things we love- I remember reading about "thin spots" in Celtic lore. Thin spots are places where the the separation of heaven and earth are so thinly veiled that the kiss of holiness and the material world create a powerful atmosphere for the miraculous and sacred. Reading poems such as Paula's lead me to believe that perhaps we create our own Thin Spots - that through our efforts, hushed of ego, we too have rubbed thin between worlds and brushed near to heaven. Words like Paula's make me think yes, indeed we have.

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