Thursday, December 6, 2012

The War Of Art

A recent blog post I read reminded me of the Book - The War Of Art, By Steven Pressfield -and what a positive impact it had upon my life. I first read this book in 2002 and the single thing that has stayed with me since is that writers, write - everyday. No excuses. I took this to heart and have missed two days in over 10 years. I recall leaping out of bed to write just a few lines on the rare occasion that I forgot to sit and write. I made an appointment with myself and took it seriously and applied it strictly. The words didn't have to be a masterpiece - or even that good. Words on a page became (and is) my mantra. For an amazingly productive period I wrote a poem a day for several years and was quite pleased with most of them. Five books of poetry sprung from this time. Personal issues seemed to interfere with the creative flow of poetry and writing a single poem, let alone a poem a day, became a struggle. Enter the blog - a perfect place to court the Muse, practice writing and fill a page with words - for better or worse. In the next week or so I will visit the sequel to The War Of Art - titled On Turning Pro and I hope to mine from that another 10 years of lasting inspiration.


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