Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Standing In My Way

Between the observer and
observed -
is only me...standing in the
If not for the ego - I would observe a tree, the sky, a rock - as an aspect of self that is different but not separate. An extension of self yet part of the whole. Of course the ego is a needed guide for navigating the material world. It's the identification of the ego as self that gets us into a bit of trouble. When things and people are viewed as entirely separate from ourselves we are apt to treat some as lesser, or more and all as so different that we can only relate in possible abstract terms. Quantum physics shows that their is no (real) place where a tree leaves off and the sky begins - there is only energy and patterns of energy. The same holds true for each of us as well. If I viewed you as an extension of myself, deserving of love and esteem in the same matter I wish for myself - would hurting you be even a remote possibility?
It's an interesting thought.
In the mean time I still very much block the view of how I wish to see the world.
But my vision is clearing.

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