Sunday, September 8, 2024

When Owls Call

When owls call: 

it's almost 4:00 and just a slight distance from my office window there's a barred owl sounding it's wild September call, only briefest silence, a reply is offered, a conversation now that stirs me deeply, urging me to leave my desk and sit beneath their nesting tree. This was not my planned writing, I had an entirely different topic in mind - but last year I made a promise to the neighborhood owls, that I would follow their voice to the best I'm able, responding to my own wild urge that thrills to their call.

and that's what I'm doing now, letting go of my own planned writing and offering a response with morning words, willingly resigning my original thoughts in order to keep my promise to the owls. This is a spirit call for me, an opportunity to embrace the spontaneous wilderness of my own nature, no longer subdued by previous commitments. 

when owls call...

in whatever way I'm able,

I respond. 

so with writing finished for the morning,

I step outside,

as the owls are still calling.


Peace, Eric

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Ultimate Cause

Also, please visit to buy: Put On Your Owl Eyes 

Thank you.

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