Wednesday, September 4, 2024

All the Way Down

All the way down: 

changed through forgiveness, a continuous practice but only because I'm still so drawn into my own petty concerns, grievances and resentments are now more clever in their appearance, and I often find myself caught in a subtle grip of self importance. Yet even with all this my joy has grown deeper and my smile more genuine than ever, I'm more relaxed, and forgiveness comes quick and unbidden to my mind. Mostly's no longer really a practice.

at some point, and I don't know when exactly - I was changed through forgiveness, transformed really. By this I mean that it became no longer an option, it wasn't something that I did but now a deep reflection of what I truly am through all hours of the day. Of course, as mentioned above, there's still an awful lot of forgetting, quite often really, yet there's no punishment here, not even a resolve to do better. 

there's just forgiveness...

all the way down. 


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Morning Prayer

Also, please visit to buy: Practicing Forgiveness 

Thank you.

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