Friday, September 6, 2024

Everything We Need

Everything we need: 

So the questions are - how much of our resentment is justified? Are our grievances measured by the amount of hurt we hold right now? Or from the satisfaction we seem to gain from the suffering of another who might have harmed us long before? 

our ego will cling to one answer.

yet our heart always offers something more...

forgiveness gives us everything we need.

the ego will always say that grievances matter, having us believe that they're a protective armor keeping us safe within a harden wall of pain. It's the very identity of the ego to harbor these beliefs, justifying it's existence through the protection it claims to offer. But forgiveness cracks us open, shattering the illusion that we're separate from others. Real forgiveness is not measured by time nor distance, it's inseparable from our original innocence, an event of quantum nature, entangled hearts of our true existence shining through. We suddenly find ourselves beyond the need of any fortification, unable to be contained by the previous walls of ego. 

forgiveness shatters our every wall.

and only love remains.


all embracing.

giving us all we truly need.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Ego's Play

Also, please visit to buy: Love Holds No Grievances

Thank you. 

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