Thursday, September 19, 2024

Infinitely More Joyful

Infinitely more joyful; 

things will still happen, good and bad, and life continues to present itself through both joy and sorrow. Yet it seems different now, a subtle shift has occurred, and I'm finding myself far more relaxed to these daily challenges. In yoga, karma is seen as simply the consequence to infinite effects, life is motion, and there's no punishment here, just results naturally unfolding. A better, more fulfilled life, is brought about by addressing the cause to these events, not chasing down each effect for correction, but going straight to the source, being mindful of our thoughts and actions. 

more so, and how it seems to me right now..

is that I'm asked to be kind.

to forgive. 

this isn't an escape from karma, it's not bypassing any event or situation by forcing myself to see them through a new light. It's just seeing the truth that things are unfolding in the only way they're able to right now, and that my best response is to accept, forgive, and extend myself as love. From here, everything changes on its own, as it always does of course, yet I am less involved in any forceful way, there's less of an attempt to bend the world to fit my own particular demands.

I'm more relaxed.


and forgiving.

the true cause, is always fear, it's projected outward to the world and that's the life we're given. Or it is until we see things clearly. We can transcend karma through forgiveness. It's that simple, and actually, it becomes joyful, life being filled with opportunities to offer only love. That's the value of forgiveness, a return to the innocence of the present moment where we're completely free of karma. Our salvation is truly at hand, right now, through whatever situation that's unfolding. 

yes, things will still happen.

they always will.

yet everything is different now...

we're able to forgive.

and life in infinitely more joyful. 


Peace, Eric,

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: A Great Discovery

Also, please visit to buy: Only Love is Real

Thank you. 

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