Friday, September 20, 2024

Answer to My Every Prayer

Answer to my every prayer: 

recently, and surprisingly,I find myself doing something I haven't done since I was a child - I'm praying in a very sincere and straight forward manner, asking for guidance and change in the way I presently view the world. This is a prayer of humbleness, stating that I don't the answers, any, not on anything of truly great importance, and that I now wish to surrender my best thoughts and opinions for a far greater intelligence than my own. 

I'm praying for a miracle to occur.

a miracle here is a mind shift, that there is, indeed, another way to see the world, a different view point that I keep missing in an insistence to have my demands met. The miracle is asking that I humble myself to silence, listening, and allowing the quiet voice of love to speak. Finally. I've hushed this voice for quite sometime, believing so much in my own opinion, giving ego sway to all my concerns. My prayers are always answered, immediately so -

and the answer itself is silence. 

of course it's not what my ego wishes to hear.

but if I'm patient,

sitting through silence just a bit longer than the ego's willing, a miracle occurs. I'm gifted with my own surrender, a sigh that comes through relief and relinquishment of my insistence. Presence is revealed, divine, that great intelligence that guides my blood to flow through every vein, directs heart to pump and my lungs to draw air. 

the miracle is that I find true holiness within.

I hear the only voice of God.


always speaking love.

and the answer to my every prayer.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Infinitely More Joyful

Also, please visit to buy: The Way to Love

Thank you. 


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