Sunday, September 1, 2024

From This Point On

From this point on:

as everything else is just prepares me for this surrender - that's the entirety of my practice, every struggle with an asana, each time my mind wanders from the mantra, 

there is always a surrender.

that's where the magic is for me, a sweet spot of letting go and finding myself within the free fall. My truest self is found here, unencumbered, no longer holding on to any false sense of balance. I find myself first in motion and then the stillness of surrender, poised, and without concern of anything beyond the freedom of this moment.

my every effort brought me here.

yet serve me no longer.

from this point on....

there's just the letting go.


Peace, Eric

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Everything We Need

Also, please visit: Mostly a Mystic

Thank you. 

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