Wednesday, September 18, 2024

A Great Discovery

A great discovery: 

my one great discovery is this - that there's a way of seeing everything as having a purpose to serve me well and bring me to the realization that only love is real. Every relationship has this potential, my misfortunes too, nothing is excluded from this awakening. This doesn't bypass pain, it's not denying any suffering involved. No, this is more of an alchemical process of embracing all that's offered and simply forgiving the moment entirely, not seeking to transcend, but allowing it to be transformed through clear acceptance. 

it's nothing less than a miracles.

and all that's required is to ask for one.

a miracle here is to request a different mindset, surrendering my position as hostage to ego and allowing myself to be host to unconditional love. It certainly sounds like a tall order, almost impossible sometimes. Yet life will consistently give me practice, moments where I can correct my mis-perception through the process of forgiveness. A Course in Miracles provides a simple process - if there is pain, discomfort of any degree, then fear is present and the only remedy is love. 

that's the entirety of forgiveness...

replacing the illusion of fear,

with the reality of love. 


a great discovery,

 and now I have a lifetime to practice. 


Peace, Eric

To read more from Headless Now, please visit to read: An Easy Path

Also, please visit to buy: A Course in Miracles

Thank you. 

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