Tuesday, September 17, 2024

An Easy Path

an easy path:

it's an easy path for me now, mindful without real effort, and the only real focus is on checking in with my emotions, a quick scan of thoughts when I find myself experiencing fear in any of its myriad forms. From this point on, it's just about forgiveness.

that's all. 

of course it took awhile to get here.

there's a line in A Course in Miracles that struck me deeply, chapter 11, where we're asked if we'd rather be host to God or hostage to ego. As I've spent a lifetime being held hostage to my ego's demands of resentment, judgement, and grievances - it seemed the right moment to try another plan, something kinder to myself and others. It was as simple as that, really, and although I had probably read that line a hundred times or more, for whatever reason now, 

I was ready.

chapter 6 of the Course offers another take on this, that in any moment we are either choosing crucifixion or resurrection, fear or love, grievance or forgiveness -  and this might be the entirety of our freewill, the only choice truly have. But first we need to able to see this, to know that peace is indeed an option, or more aptly, available as a present reality. 

and then...it's just a simple matter of choosing.

as often as needed.

an easy path,

with a lifetime of practice. 


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: A Path of Miracles

Also, please visit to buy: A Course in Miracles Made Easy

Thank you. 

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