Sunday, September 15, 2024

A Single Line

A Single Line: 

sometimes I'm struck by a single line or statement, a succinct teaching that sums up years of study and self-reflection to the point that I need go no further in my practice. These are just the right pointers that bring me to a deep understanding, intuitively knowing that I've stumbled upon an all important truth. There's such a line in Lesson 8 from A Course in Miracles, and I'm sure I've read it many times before through decades worth of reviews - but in this particular moment, for whatever reasons, it resonated as it never had before, delivering me to a profound silence, a pause of my every thought: 

from Lesson 8

the one truly whole thought that one can have about the past is that it's not here.

that was it, and it was enough to briefly stop my world, causing everything, past and future, to disappear for what can only be called a holy instant. All that remained was the present, just a moment untouched by any sense of time. Of course thoughts soon returned to analyze the whole affair, adding terms to clarify it as an experience, marveling at the after effects that still lingered. 

it seems I'd stumbled upon a knowing of a truth.

this actually happens quite often, especially with contemplative reading, slowing allowing just the right words to reach me, not so much a study as absorbing an ancient wisdom that was simply waiting s here for me all along. The rest of Lesson 8 is equally profound, with the following line bringing the point clearly home - that to thing about the past at all is therefore to thing upon an illusion. This is why I continuously study the Course, it's not to learn, but to remember the things I already know yet have somehow slightly forgotten, brushed aside through the ego's wish to know more than what this teaching offers.

sometimes though, with just a single line...

it's all that needed for my return. 


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Happy Learner

Also, please visit to buy: Stillness Speaks

Thank you. 

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