Thursday, September 5, 2024

Ego's Play

Ego's play: 

it seems the ego's plan is to always keep grievances alive, flourishing really, and with this there comes a sureness to its identity, that only by retaliation will our safety be found. Yet forgiveness derails this plan, surrendering grievances makes the ego obsolete and with this...

true freedom is found. 

we experience ourselves as only love.

of course it's a work in progress, and I find this true more than ever right now. At this point in my life my deep wish is to beyond grievances, my own, and being involved in others. Life doesn't work that way though, as long as the ego's in play there will always be vital work at hand. I could easily bemoan the fact that this is so, that after years, half a lifetime really, I am still enmeshed in ego's play of grievance. But that would miss the opportunity entirely - 

I am exactly where I need to be.

for whatever reason that it's so.

and as always...

my only role is to let go.

forgiving every grievance that is found.


Peace, Eric

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: All the Way Down

Also, please visit to buy: Love Holds No Grievances

Thank you. 



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