Monday, September 16, 2024

A Path of Miracles

A Path of Miracles: 

over 30 years working with A Course in Miracles and it suddenly feels brand new to be, alive, and full of meaning, as if those previous decades were just preparation for bringing me to this very moment. It's not so much that I understand things in a deeper fashion, but that I am finally ready to let go of all the concepts and simply live my life in full surrender to forgiveness. 

it's always been my path. 

and now I truly know. 


I think it's because I'm on somewhat of an edge right now, there's a present fear in life that's keener than ever before. I'm treading a line of loss and sorrow on one side and the complete unknown on the other. Yet somehow, beyond my understanding, there's a feeling that I'm being held, aided in my balance, and that if I should fall, well then, a gift of flight would be provided. 

this isn't a false confidence that I cannot fail, nor a belief that I'm on some gilded path of miracles. It's just a deep faith in life itself, that everything is always alright and that I only need to surrender my fearful thoughts as they continuously appear, forgiving my missteps along the way.

perhaps, then, it is a path of miracles. 



Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: A Single Line

Also, please visit to buy: Practicing A Course in Miracles

Thank you. 

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