Saturday, September 14, 2024

Happy Learner

Happy Learner: 

these past few election cycles have taught me the impossibility of any attack thoughts residing within a peaceful mind. Above all, I want peace. This, of course, doesn't mean ignoring conditions of the world and refusing to take an active role in making it a better place for all to live. Yet it also doesn't call for my involvement in any of the turmoil, confusion, or attack on others that is so currently prevalent within our political system. What's called for, at least for me, is a recognition that things are this way because these thoughts are present within my mind.

my thoughts project the world I perceive. 

and so I am called to heal.

but only my own mind.

this is also true on a smaller level, not just politics, my own life is filled with moments that offer an opportunity to heal. This is continuous forgiveness, no chance encounters, every person and situation provides me a moment to heal, extend love, and examine my projections. If I perceive attack in any way then I know that my ego was overly involved. This then, becomes just another healing moment, a holy instant where I forgive myself in the gentlest fashion without remorse nor reprimand. 

another opportunity to heal. 

and these moments are endless. 

so these days of politics and social media are intense lessons of forgiveness for me, graduate school for a slow learner such as myself. It's also joyful. I find myself now, mostly so, a happy learner, developing a keen sense of surrender, and allowing myself to be guided through each lesson that arrives. I'm not alone in this, there's a greater intelligence involved and I'm more than willing to turn my thoughts over to this guide. My own thoughts, ego, certainly haven't brought me very far.

so with this, at this point, 

I find myself content,

joyful even... simply be a happy learner. 


Peace, Eric

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Stories

Also, please visit to buy: A Politics of Love

Thank you. 

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