Saturday, September 7, 2024

Ultimate Cause

Ultimate cause:

karma, Sanskrit word meaning action, is almost always misunderstood as punishment for wrongful deeds or a reward for our good behavior. Of course action itself is impartial, there's no judgement here, and we're simply living within the results of infinite choices made. With this in mind, there's really no escape from karma, we're literally choice making machines, results following our every single cause. 

so it might seem hopeless. 

we're doomed to the effects of our choices.

except in light of our ultimate cause...

and that's only ever seen through the lens of love.

 in the Bhagavad Gita Krishna counsels Arjuna on the transformation of karma, telling him that it can't be escaped but there's a promise of transcending it through the process of surrendering our every action to the Lord. Here we can see that the term Lord means our ultimate cause and that everything that follows forth is an effect of God. 

that's our surrender.



again, the ultimate cause of all.

A Course in Miracles urges us to not concern ourselves with the world of effects and to turn within and see that we've completely lost sight of the ultimate cause. We've made a god of fear and have given it all of our belief and faith, projecting it outwards as a false idol for our worship. 

but it's an illusion.

if the ultimate cause is love, that is what we must turn to, it's our surrender, and we forgive our way back to it's solution. That's when we see the light, our own, the source of every true effect. This when we turn away from illusions and it's projections, we've escaped the sin of karma and now see every action as a cause for extension. 

we surrender fully to the effects of love.

for that is solely what we truly are.

and all we have to give away.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Everything We Need 

Also, please visit to buy: A Gift For All Mankind

Thank you. 

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