Friday, December 8, 2023

Original Purpose

Original purpose: 

it's a restorative practice, gentle, and originally meant to keep the body supple, strong, allowing the yogi to sit in comfort for a long stretch of time in stillness. I often lose sight of this original purpose, approaching this aspect of yoga as another event in a lifelong series of extreme endeavors. My poses generally become more challenging, seeking to hold them for ever greater periods, or defy gravity with my strength and balance. But with this I lose the gentleness of my practice, it's restorative effects, and I'm left again with a worn body, tired, defeated. 

so now I'm returning my yoga to its original purpose. 

being gentle with myself.

asanas are an essential point of yoga, a branch amongst the eight limbs, but a single branch and meant to work within a complete system of physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. I love my practice, every aspect, from the ethical and personal restraints and observations, breathwork, asanas, and to its final point of meditation. It brings me great joy. Yet I am prone to over emphasize the physical, pushing harder and turning it into an athletic event, often seeing if I can extend a pose a little longer than last session, ignoring discomfort, and then paying a price for these efforts. Even after decades of practice. It seems I'm a slow learner on some issues. But now, hopefully, I'm ready to surrender...

returning my yoga to its original purpose. 

perhaps I'm learning after all. 

the point for me is gentleness, being kind to a body that has served me so well after a lifetime of hard use and continues to do so even now. It's a new relationship, based on every past experience, yet fresh in its perspective. My only wish is to be kind, easy, and treat my body as a friend. I'm learning. Although there's still mistakes, sessions where I push a little past my restraint, allowing myself the grace of old habits until I reign my enthusiasm back in. I'm learning, but ever slowly seems. 

I remind myself that there's a lifetime ahead to practice. 

and smiling,

return to my original purpose.


full of kindness. 


Peace, Eric 

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