Thursday, December 14, 2023

Absolute Reasons

Absolute reasons: 

I'm about 45 minutes from heading outside to walk, it will be almost two hours before the sun begins to rise, cold out, and it's never easy to leave the warmth of home to get in these few morning miles. But I do so everyday, never an excuse to keep me inside and it's not because I've a point to prove to myself, this isn't a self-help project nor a form of developing  discipline. Of course I find it helpful for my emotional health, physical too, and being in nature could truly be considered a spiritual pursuit. 

especially so early. 

yet none of these are the absolute reasons for why I'm drawn out so early.

or to wake at 3:00 a.m to meditation, yoga, and writing. 

I am without absolute reasons, really. 

it's simply what I do. 

this has become enough for me, allowing myself to follow a strong urge that needs to be expressed, no longer willing to make excuses for how my life wishes to unfold. If it needed a label I could call this following the wyrd, an Anglo-Saxon word that signifies fate, destiny, a shamanic concept of being true to the inner callings of our deepest source of being. Through centuries the word has morphed into the English spelling of weird and signifies a behavior that we don't fully understand. Both seem to apply quite well, it's wyrd calling and I've completely surrendered to its call. 

perfectly willing to do so.



without need of absolute reasons for how my life unfolds.

it's simply how it goes. 


Peace, Eric 

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