Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Almost Immediately

Almost immediately: 

I love that my day starts with yoga, my eyes first opening to a prayer of gratitude and then I am almost immediately sitting in Sukhasana, easy pose, a cross-legged posture for my morning meditation. This is a beautiful asana for me, I'm able to ease into and sit comfortably for some time, spine straight, and right away my begins with yoga, more than a practice -

it's a display of all I love.

almost immediately upon my waking. 

Sukhasana is a pose I look forward to, eager for it's lengthening of my spine, hips opening and the nights sleep being stretched from my body as my mind settles to the vibration of mantra. This is how I start my day, without fail, and if nothing else occurred for its duration I would remain gripped in joy and gratitude that I was able to fold my legs and stretch my back upwards, firmly connected to earth and air. 

almost immediately...

Sukhasana reminds me of this connection. 

it's also a valuable asana, with many benefits from its simplicity. The mind becomes concentrated from its hold, digestion improves, posture lengthens, and ankles and knees gain greater mobility. Even as I work through pain from a back injury I find relief with this pose. Energetically it's a position for deep observation, almost immediately I settle into listening to my body, relaxing, my thoughts continuing their flow without my direct participation. 

Sukhasana opens me as witness to it all. 

a beautiful way to begin my day. 


Peace, Eric 

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