Friday, December 22, 2023

Unseen Things

Unseen things: 

it won't be noticeable, not for many days to come, but I know the solstice has passed and that everyday has just a bit more sunlight than the day before. Sometimes it's enough to have faith in unseen things, knowing that change is occurring even as it's yet to meet the eyes. Of course this is a faith born of experience, that I've witness this effect for decades now and know it never fails to happen. That's the role of science as well as personal observation, noting the worlds phenomenons, exploring their every cause and effect, and then trusting in the inherent reliability of nature.  

and with this I have faith in unseen things.

even with cold and more dark filled days of winter just ahead.

light is still a growing presence. 

what I know for certain is that nature brings change, that life is fluid and ever changing in the experiences it offers. That's my personal observation. It's also science. The Buddha's statement that my suffering is caused by clinging to permanence within this flow bears witness as well. It's also a psychological principle of yoga, that the cause of all suffering is due to aversion to what's present, or attraction towards an always distance future that never seems to truly arrive in the way we deeply wish for. Yoga tells us that clinging to a sense of identity based on the belief that we are a permanent fixture to the world is another cause of suffering. With the belief in a lasting self we fear the inevitable role of death. 

our faith is built on illusions. 

even as we observe the fluidity of life. 

the last cause of suffering, according to the yogic seers, is advidya, our ignorance of that's mentioned above, that we're unable or unwilling to see that we bring suffering upon ourselves. Both Buddha and the ancient yogi's urge us to wake from this illusion, to see the world in its constant flow, refusing to cling to shadows any longer. 

we're asked to build our faith upon the light. 

even as it appears to be darkest. 

it's not faith in illusions. 

but in the unseen things occurring right now.

and always have been. 


Peace, Eric 

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