Thursday, December 21, 2023

Cause to Celebrate

Cause to celebrate: 

from here, this measured point of darkness, I will begin to note the growing length of light, and how my morning walks will again soon hold a sunrise at their end. Today is solstice, the least amount of sunlight of any day throughout the year, yet it's marked as an occasion of faith, a celebration of what's returning in small amounts, barely noticed for still sometime to come. 

but it is certainly my cause to celebrate. 

I love the solstice as it's a promise that's always fulfilled, there will be a slim measure of light added to each day until eventually summer peaks in a full celebration of brilliance and then once more the entire cycle begins again. My body is connected to this ebb and flow of light, to the seasons, being part of the earth itself and able to detect their shifting moods. It's a primordial response, deeply positioned as an ancestral pull towards retreating within the dark cover of winter, and then emerging as the days grow longer in warmth and light. 

solstice reminds me that my every retreat is temporary. 

that I will always emerge and find the light.

it's a beautiful cause to celebrate.


Peace, Eric 

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