Monday, December 18, 2023

Led to Silence

Led to Silence: 

we are led to silence by the mantra, it's not created, but only revealed as our thoughts grow ever more subtle in their passing. It's been here all along, natural, and any effort to achieve its peace only takes further into a busy mind. The mantra is simply a soft utterance of a word or phrase without meaning, relying solely on the qualities of its vibration. 

we are led to silence through its easy repetition. 

relaxing in its thought.

without concern to what unfolds. 

and that's the way of mantra meditation, not by effort, nor force of will to repeatedly bring the word to mind. There is no concentration involved here, we're relaxing to a sacred sound that plays soft and naturally, falling into silence as if arriving to our deepest sense of home. 

it's the easiest thing to do. 

what usually happens is that we grow impatient to arrive, not wishing to be led to silence, we rush our way to its door and attempt to make our way in. The mistake is in our belief that silence is distant from any moment, that's absent from right now and somehow must be found. The mantra reveals that our every thought, indeed every sound heard -  already exists within the gentle hold of silence. 

in truth,

we aren't led to silence...

it's here. 


and the mantra only calms the surface of the mind,

revealing the quiet depth within, 


Peace, Eric 

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