Tuesday, December 12, 2023



it's a new word for me, rhizomatic, and it pertains to a network that connects one point to any other point, nonlinear, having multiple points of  entrance and exits. There is little of this concept that I understand right now, it's too fresh for me to deeply comprehend. Yet it resonates, there's a feeling here that it somehow relates to writing, how at any point of my words connect me to not just the finish, but new starting points as well. The phrase reminds me that I'm connected in a similar entanglement of words and ideas and silence, all points within the mind that can be entered or left at any moment.

they're always present.

being rhizomatic to the writer. 

I'm in the process of discovering this word, exploring the concept, and there's a sudden invitation to begin writing. It doesn't matter that I'm not familiar with the word, it's an entry point, and instantly I find that there's an entire world to explore here, one idea connected to every other idea in existence, all belonging to an infinite field of inspiration. I can start at any point, ideas will find me, and writing flows completely on its own, rhizomatically, spreading from the original entrance point to the entire field. 

everything's connected as an idea.

even the writer. 

so truly there is no finishing point, no final word written. It's just a temporary exit, imaginary really, as what's connected can never be severed. It's a rhizomatic field, an open invitation, and every single idea given will lead me back here, to this ever present flow of inspiration, and my writing then continues. 



Peace, Eric 

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