Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Sacred Topic

Sacred topic. 

politics, it's a topic I seldom turn to here, reserving this place for subjects held sacred to me, my own expression of art, spirit, thoughts on meditation, nature and science. My interest is in exploring and writing of these themes through poetry and prose. Yet politics is an interest as well, having a passion for a better world, safer, and protective of its environment and people. 

it's sacred topic too.

of course it doesn't often feel that way, so much infighting and squabbling over petty issues far from the needs of people and planet. Science and facts too often seem dismissed, as does the well-being of those less fortunate among us, people struggling for a proper living, seeking a better life through immigration, or simply holding on to certain rights that should be inalienable by law. Yes, politics is a sacred topic by these virtues, worthy of poetry and prose, and I will allow myself turn my attention here more often, writing further on these lines of interest.

right now, it's my usual early writing time, right after a long stretch of meditation, enjoying coffee and the quiet sounds about me. It's the morning after election night and I've yet to check results, anticipating a change of power that might upset the very very fabric of the country, taking a mean spirited turn towards harming a women's right to reproductive choice, refusing to even acknowledge the environmental crisis, harmful treatment of those seeking asylum, and a frightening embrace of true authoritarian figures. These are hard times for democracy, for the protection of our rights and the safety of the planet. As of now, I have no idea in which direction the country has turned. 

it's often said that it's a split electorate, a much divided nation. I'm not sure I believe it, the population itself trends towards an advance in science and education, having deep environmental concerns, strong desires to help the less fortunate. None of that is really political, it's basic human values, compassion, caring for the planet, for our neighbors. Those are sacred topics, and with politics being the means that we can be most helpful to the largest extent possible. Sadly though, it's turned tribal, and us vs. them mentally penetrating deep within the soul of the nation. It's now, at this pivotal point, that politics must return to it's truly sacred origins, governing from the heart, individually as well as collectively. Honestly, I don't know how to do this, not overall at least, not on such a large and overwhelming scale. 

but I do know how to write, to express myself creatively lending my voice to poetry and prose.

to write of sacred topics. 

and so I free myself to write of politics, my own way, through my own voice and terms, expressing my view in a unique and creative way. Politics itself is simple, it's about one thing only and that's helping the people that it represents, it's not meant to be given a fake power to wield against others, not even those who appear to be another, different tribe; There are no enemies here. None. Only a lack of understanding, a failure of education and outreach of compassion. We are of one tribe, and it's truly universal, inclusive, and extends to the deep roots that hold us to the planet. 

finishing this, my early morning writing and last sip of coffee - and soon the news will greet me, I'll see which way our nations turned. These are scary times, so much is unknown as to how each political decision immediately effects us let alone for generations yet to come. But we know the right choice, deeply so, even if it's layered by tribalism and the false narrative of media and beliefs preached to us by others. The choice is always kindness, difficult at times, yes, but never impossible, and not quite naive as we imagine. Politics is the voice of sacred subjects, it's our voice and it's time that we reclaim it. 

and now, my own voice expressed...

I'll meet the day. 


Peace, Eric 

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