Sunday, November 6, 2022

Blood Pressure

Blood pressure: 

every morning I check my blood pressure, it's not an health issue, being always in the low end of the healthy range, my heart rate in the mid 40's, and right now, no real concerns about my well-being. This is just a hold over from the last days of caring for my father, when I needed to check certain vital signs throughout the day and I established the habit of checking my blood pressure along with his along with our casual morning conversation. There is no real reason for me to continue this practice, diet, yoga, pranayama practice, meditation, as well as an intense fitness practice keep my blood pressure in check and my low heart rate low. But it's a connection with my father I've yet to break, even after a year now, not so much as reminder, or even a ritual, just a moment that's still shared with him, our easy conversation still shared in my early morning silence. 

it's a nice connection, one I cherish.

some morning, there's a good chance that I might forget to do this, with my blood pressure not being a real concern and days passing into years since there was a true need for this action as a habit, it might completely slip my mind. It happens that way, a careless forgetting and the morning continuing on, just a small thing missing and not noticed until later. Things like this aren't meant to last too long, trapping is in past actions that no longer really serve a purpose. They're meant to be let go, I know this, but for right now it continues, I remember every morning, checking my blood pressure, hearing my father's voice deep within my soul, just an easy morning conversation. 

it's one more connection, and I'll let it continue on, at least until that careless forgetting.

yet our conversation, that's what's lasting, it's as sure as the morning itself, deeper than any habit, beyond the need of a simple ritual of practice. It's a current conversation, still vital, full of wisdom and compassion. I will always here my fathers voice, he speaks to me through my daily actions, small decisions made with a care that he helped design, all the little things he taught me through the years expressed through my own life now. 

what I do each morning isn't really important, it's only continued as a reminder, a means of invoking a presence already and always here. But I'll continue it for now, I enjoy how it fits within my day, a carry over from another purpose, caregiver, and it seems that it's still needed, that there's a need for me to express a certain care, and more so, to feel this deep connection, a conversation...

stills shared in he early morning silence.


Peace, Eric 

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