Saturday, November 12, 2022


and then finally we're left exposed, our true sense of beingness simply laid bared, a deep inner silence prevails and is found to be our original peace of mind. That's the art of meditation, an easy journey of mantra, of listening to its subtle play of sound, a vibration, and then exposed as being a silent field of information, an allowing space for thoughts to pass by, feelings to exists, and that everything belongs here by virtue of appearance. 

nothing is excluded.

 we don't chase a quiet mind, there's no need, we exist as silence, as presence, undisturbed by thoughts or sound. Meditation is our exposure, a revelation really, we're left being exactly who we are, without identity to gain purchase, raw, primordial in our truest sense. This doesn't come by any effort, it's not achieved in any sense - it's the mantra that leads us here by its vibration, or the breath as it grows ever more subtle through the gentle note of our attention. Whatever means we use it's all finally the same, we're left exposed, revealed, knowing ourselves as presence, dynamic, alive. 


it's nothing special, it's just what we are, life, a bare essence that holds the taste of personality, a play of duality, having a sense of being separate from other aspects of the world. Meditation exposes us as whole, unified, that it's all simply and only presence, soul. It's nothing special, and yet magical just the same, to be revealed as this, finally, through the long years of our forgetting. Meditation isn't the cause for this, neither mantra nor breath create this state of mind. More truly, it's not a state at all, but again being that bare essence that allows this sense knowing ourselves, awareness in its most primordial way. 

through layers, discarded...

we're exposed.

and all that's left is who we are. 


Peace, Eric 

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