Monday, November 14, 2022

My Own Approach

My own approach: 

it's always been more of curiosity, never really a driving passion that takes me to an extreme, but gentle, to simply explore the nature of my mind and identity, a relaxed approach to knowing who I am. It's been been said that to truly realize this ultimate truth, deeply so, it has to be similar to someone drowning and their desperate need for another breath - this seems to be true for many and I don't imagine myself to be the exception to this rule. But my own approach is different, again just an easy curiosity of experience, being watchful of the wave of thoughts that play through what appears to be an otherwise silent mind, exploring every shifting frame of reference, each belief I tightly hold, all the things that shape my current view on who I truly am. 

and of course it's then surrendered, every answer...

my own approach is letting go. 

many wise, insightful people have given me answers through the years, some may have even been enlightened. Yet I've never been interested in holding someone else's answer as my own, although I do have a keen interest in what's offered, an appreciation of their view and the path they took to come to their realization. My own approach is curiosity, not really seeking, as that would imply an end point, an ultimate answer, and there's little interest for me their. Each moment holds something elusive and at once knowable by experience, not truly a paradox, there's no contradiction here, just reality, and it only becomes confusing with an attempt to be told, given as an answer to another. 

my own approach is to simply know, to experience...

and a continuous letting go. 

there's no need for enlightenment with an cosmos for play, no single ultimate answer to hold on to - awakening never ends, and perhaps enlightenment itself is simply curiosity. My own approach urges my surrender, to continuously, ever gently, explore the present moment and every possibility of its arrangement. If enlightenment is anything then it's motion, ongoing, and yet always present just the same - and with this, still curious...

I continue to explore. 


Peace, Eric 

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