Tuesday, November 29, 2022



there's intelligence here, creative, innate to the universe itself - and I can only liken this to consciousness, being my own only point of reference that applies. The universe is self aware, it knows of it's design and proceeds in evolution, and we belong to the very fabric of its plan. The universe is God, all of it, from least speck of cosmic dust to our own display of life. 

everything is God. 

the great cosmologist Carl Sagan famously said that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and to claim that everything is God surely should be backed by an argument beyond my faith. But truthfully, I have no real argument to make, no need to debate this issue to prove my point is right. I'm not a scientist, nor a theologian, my faith isn't of anything that needs proof to be provided. What I am is simply part of life, a self-ware aspect of an even greater expression of consciousness. I am witness to my own  innate intelligence function as a body and something larger too, that my heart beats without any direct effort of my will, breath drawing from an infinite source of air, sun and earth aligned just so for my life to thrive. 

my extraordinary proof is being alive. 

and this isn't offered as a claim of God's existence, that's just a term I use, poetic preference, and these are just words to note my own cosmic wonder. Somehow, the universe created me, made from scratch really, every particle arranged from infinite sources. Some scientist make the bold claim of random events developing to the point of consciousness, our own awareness, a pinnacle of achievement without deign or plan. My one claim isn't quite so bold, extraordinary, yes, but not without the required proof for me to show - everything needed to exist was provided for me without demand, life itself gave me all the ingredients for body and mind, an entire universe was arranged with intelligent care for me to recognize myself within this intricate design. 

that's God...

my own life displayed as proof and wonder. 


Peace, Eric 

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