Friday, November 4, 2022

For the soul: 

it's for the soul of the nation, that's what we're voting for, it's on the ballot and the outcome will reflect the type of people we wish to be, the world will see us as we truly are. Voting is no longer really a political issue, we're less concerned with policies than we are with tribal beliefs, choosing a side based on our emotional response and not really dealing with the facts on many matters. Or so it seems. Now is our chance to show otherwise, an opportunity to vote directly from the heart, which is always based on love, kindness, and compassion. Now...we're voting for the soul of the nation. 

I am fearful of a tribal nation, warring over issues that should be of a personal concern, things that should be protected as a right in its freedom of expression, a matter of choice. I don't believe that we are a Christian nation, not solely, with religious freedom being the foundation of our country, it's bedrock, and this also means being free of and from the doctrines of religious thought, no values but our own should ever be a leading factor in our personal lives. Yet I do believe that we are a soulful nation, a people of great and sure spiritual values. I hope that's true. What I would like to see is leader's displaying guidance from what Aldous Huxley called the perennial philosophy, the underlying values of all religious thought, a current of kindness and compassion that runs throughout our every spiritual belief. 

but I may be an idealist in that way. 

although I do believe that this is a very practical matter, indeed, that kindness is in order for our political survival, more so, our lives will be in jeopardy by its absence. Warring tribes will never heal a nation, hatred for a fellow countryman will keep us divided as a people, and even the most religious person will defy their values to protect and serve their tribal beliefs over the welfare of another. Kindness matters, always and in all things. Especially politics. Mostly though, it's not really an issue of politics or religion, as at the core of every religious belief and the essence of all political concerns is the fundamental declaration of simply loving one another, respect for personage, our innate and natural freedom to be true to our own unique expression without fear of violence or cast out from society. This isn't about religion, nor politics, no...

it's about the soul of the nation. 

our souls. 

collectively, individually.

and with this I leave the page thinking of the Beatitudes, what many scholars believe are the only true words of Jesus in the entire testament, everything else being interpretations recorded by others in the years that followed the crucifixion. It's here, with these few words, that we are asked to be peace makers, humble of spirit, to feed the hungry and clothes the poor. We are urged to forgive, to endure unkindness with compassion and sake a greater understanding. Oddly enough, Jesus lived in extremely tribal times, an age of war and conquest, and yet he taught and preached kindness to all. Have we evolved so little over time? Still practicing tribalism only now disguised in political form? The essence of the bible is in the kindness of it's message, cosmology from the very breath of God to the fall from our original grace, life divided, separated in tribal fashion, not just from each other, but from the land as well, removed from our connection to the spirit of the earth. Yet through its pages the bible leads to Jesus, a redemption of spirit, reclaiming our kindness and compassion. That's the only real lesson from the bible, that we can always return to kindness. It's the only way to God, no matter our tribe, or politics, or our religious beliefs. 

so I'll close here with more perennial wisdom, this from the great sage - Ramana Maharshi, who, when questioned by a follower on how to treat others, replied simply and succinctly - that there are no others. That's the only answer that we ever really need to hear. There are no others, none, only an endless reflection of who we truly are shown throughout the world, and that all kindness is a matter of self-care, that every stranger is our own true self returned. 

seeing this, our every act, each vote...

for the soul of the nation. 


Peace, Eric 

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