Wednesday, November 16, 2022



it's all pretty astounding, and I mean everything, the universe itself and how it came to be, and even more so that it's still in expansion, creating the very spacetime needed for the reach of its existence. Here's one more amazing thing - we're no less than the universe itself, aspects equal to the whole, participants in this expansion. It's astounding to think that everything the universe needs to thrive is self-created, there literally is no outside for support, no place else to gain material, and we still only have hints and theories of how this is at all possible. 

if I were writing of cosmology, string theory, and quantum gravity, this short essay would already be done, completed with the first admission that I know so little of these topics, and being unqualified to comment on even the small amount I seem to understand. This is about our own cosmology, a personal account of our own expansion, being no less that the universe itself we are perfectly qualified to speak of our belonging here, of our creative capabilities, participants of this universal design.

the universe is our story.

and it's astounding.

that's the joy of meditation, for me at least, that through gentle and easy repetition of mantra I am again reduced to the purest vibration of true being, just existence, the first frequency of my creation. How do I know that this is so? Well, honestly, I don't know anything at all really, and don't pertain to offer this as being true, only what's experienced in the deepest heart of meditation and then given as the best description that I'm able. This is more myth than factual, a fable of my personal cosmology, and doesn't have to meet the standards of scientific minds. 

only my own. 

and that's the astounding things, or one of them, that I am creating my own mythology through each moment, telling a story of my own self-creation, of how a vibration of particular words, my mantra, is traced all the way to the primordial strings that give first cause to all existence. And it happens right here, my meditation bench placed right before an eastern facing window, catching the earliest light of dawn, feeling the touch of light dawning as another day. That's my creation story, a myth of meditation and vibrations, my cosmology of dawn and eastern facing windows. 

for me, each morning...

it's perfectly astounding. 


Peace, Eric 

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