Thursday, June 30, 2022

The Practice of Mystery

Yoga is the practice of mystery: 

my yoga is the practice of mystery, every pose beginning with uncertainty of balance and poise, no idea of how any posture will unfold as I attempt to explore each one through  their relationship with breath and relaxed concentration. I bring a new body and mindset to every practice, fresh, a different possibility of how I will perform and release myself of every expectation. My body's karma is the cellular memory ingrained by years of holding these poses, a grace brought through years of practice - but what is quickly learned again with each asana is that mystery transcends even karmic law, that conditions of the present moment always bring a new challenge to every posture, a unique opportunity for it's expression, and that most certainly I have no idea of how my practice will unfold, if balance will be found and held through duration of a single breath, if my grace prevails to the edge of mystery and carries me to whatever possibilities exist beyond my present capabilities. 

yoga is the practice of this mystery. 

with this my practice is centered to the moment, allowed and freed to be expressed in any it happens, no demands or expectations involved. What I have is an intent to practice, that's all, an energy to expend my present capacity of letting go and simply being aware of how posture is a mystery of its own, combined within a flow, and how perfect this is as a reflection of my daily life. Yoga then is the practice of life, each event an opportunity to explore my place in mystery, knowingly aware, and unafraid to fail, indeed, that failure is really, only, a label to the present possibility that's now ready to unfold. 

yoga is the practice of mystery.

and what I find, a rediscovery through each pose, is that mystery requires no practice at all, not really, and that my entire life is yoga, a fine balance of poise and letting go, being the grace of my surrender to every moment of life's flow. There is no practice here, just yoga, life, and my response to its ongoing mystery...balancing on the edge of it's uncertainty. 

unafraid to fall. 

it's all yoga.


Peace, Eric 

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