Sunday, June 5, 2022

Nagarjuna's World

Nagarjuna's world: 

existing in Nagarjuna's world, which too implies my non-existence as a self with any lasting value, that ultimately it's emptiness serving for the grace of my appearance, and that neither emptiness nor form would be possible without the other, both being seamless in the nature of their trade. This is the relativity that describes it all, allowing no debate on the essence of what's true, seeing contrast alone as the reality of my existence. 

that I am - is only through emptiness. 

and that emptiness only has value through its capacity as form.

...seamless in Nagarjuna's world.

of course this is just a description, not being true at all, a philosophy, and equally so it's exactly how things are, that it's true, but only in the moment that it's told. Welcome to Nagarjuna's world, paradox being gracefully accepted, everything being relative by it's measure. Nothing is denied here, emptiness doesn't negate the reality of appearance, my claim as a momentary self will not disturb the capacity of my existence. 

that I am - is only possible through relation.

or so it seems.

but really, it's just a great mystery, my life isn't understood at all, I exist in Nagarjuna's world, a brief appearance, eternal, being both emptiness as well as the appearance of form. Life. And perhaps it's best to simply see myself as motion, an exchange of vast and finite expressions, existing, not existing, and that it's all equal in my view. In meditation this is where my mantra leaves me, everything being all at once, seamless, a trade of emptiness for meaning, capacity and its fulfillment of appearance.

Nagarjuna's world.


Peace, Eric 

* Nagarjuna was an Indian Mahayana Buddhist thinker who is widely considered one of the most important scholar, philosophers of Buddhist history and many of today's physicist are viewing his thoughts in the value of their present work.   

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