Wednesday, June 8, 2022



it's more of an energy shift, certainly not enlightenment, at least not in any traditional description, and not even an awakening of any life altering significance - but just a subtle shift towards an easy understanding of myself, or perhaps really, that I don't know myself at all, a mystery of both emptiness and appearance, a Heart Sutra of suspense as I seem to shift with every introspective view.

it's seeing myself as capacity as well as its fulfillment.

emptiness and form. 


and more subtle still is the absence of wishing for a great change of any present situation, being content to simply relax in this sense of mystery and allow life to unfold exactly as it will. I find myself more responsive, appropriate in actions taken, at ease to how life responds in turn. It's a shift of energy away from seeking better answers and being more interested in the quality of my questions, exploring possibilities as they continuously unfold. 

what I am now is an inquiry without wish for any answers.

a shift from seeker to explorer.

subtle, more and more,


and that's the mystery - I simply don't know where life will take me, how this inquiry will evolve and what further possibilities will  come to be explored. It's all continuously changing, energetic patterns lasting only for a moment, shifting once more, and I am never the same through any point of notice. What I find now is that it's not a shift of any true becoming, it's not enlightenment, nor even an awakening of any kind, but that I am this shifting energy, always in motion, an inquiry of emptiness and appearance. 

a temporary pattern...



Peace, Eric 

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